Which muscles do you train with swimming?

When you get into water, you learn to swim,' said the famous poet Goethe. Of course we don't wish anyone a shipwreck, but we can definitely recommend swimming laps. A relatively accessible way to put your whole body to work, and due to the low resistance an ideal way of training if you are recovering from an injury, for example. But which muscles do you actually train Lifeguard Course and swimming? You can read that below!

Which muscles do you train with swimming?

Swimming is a full body workout. Because without using your legs, arms and torso you sink down like a brick. So rather: which muscles do you not train with swimming? After all, practically every muscle is involved when you try to propel your body forward through a bowl of water.

Interesting detail: because of the large torsos of professional swimmers, it is often thought that the power comes from your upper body. But it's mainly your legs that do most of the work to move forward. And between your upper and lower body is your torso, where your abs must ensure that you are stable in the water. In short: swimming trains all the muscles in your body, but most of the power comes from your legs.

Can You Get Muscled From Swimming?

Since swimming is a full body workout, you can of course become (very) muscular by swimming. It does depend on the way you swim which muscles you train. You can compare swimming with running. Sprinters are (more) muscular than long-distance runners. Logical too, because the short muscle fibers are put to work during a full sprint. If you swim a little slower but longer, you will grow less muscle mass, but build up more fitness. Wondering how that is with your body? This is how you recognize which type of muscle fibers you have .

What does swimming laps do to your body?

With swimming you train all the muscles in your body. And even if you train in a more accessible way, you will notice the benefits of swimming laps. This way your condition improves, you become more mobile and fitter. In addition, you will probably experience a mental boost when you are exhausted in the shower.

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Is swimming good for your stomach?

Can you also train your abs with swimming? Secure! As we said, swimming will mainly train your legs, but without abs you will get nowhere. The core is - of course - the core of your body. And while swimming, it has to do quite a bit of work. For example, your abs form the connection between your moving arms and moving legs, and must keep your body stable in the water. A good workout. Swimming is therefore very good for your stomach. And a nice bonus: since your strength mainly comes from your legs, you also train your buttocks by swimming. Suffering from lazy buttocks? 6 exercises to wake them up.